Wax Melt Bakery | Ad

Hey guys, so I recently got contacted by a company called Wax Melt Bakery who create handmade 100% SOY & cruelty free wax melts. As you are all aware, I'm a huge lover for candles, and after quickly checking out there Instagram page I fell in love with some of the designs and product names.

I managed to grab a small sample of mixed melt bags (RRP £2 each bag) to try out and write about, but they have a huge range of products for sale (head over to their Facebook group for more info/prices) including tub melts, chunk pots etc! I've been burning two of the same scent in my melt burner and honestly, the smell has lasted. (Plus with the melts only being small you could always mix and match them to create your own smell)

Mermaid Kisses
These melts are very refreshing, a much more clean soft cotton like smell but has a mix with a hint of a floral scent. Plus they have a hint of sparkle and glitter, just perfect to match with the name of these beauties.

Ooey Gooey Nut Pie
These melts have a very coffee scent resemblance with a hint of toffee and nut, its a major food like melt. Honestly, I'm very in love with this scent it smells so delicious I could just eat them! (Please don't though lol)

Pink Cake & Custard 
Another food like melt with a cute pink & yellow colour along with a sprinkle of glitter. The scent on these are very sweet, sugary, candy like which honestly somewhat reminds me of sorbet! 

Overall, I'm rather impressed something so small and mighty can be so powerful with strong scents. By far my favorite is Ooey Gooey Nut Pie, the foody scent just has a key to my heart. Be sure to follow them over on the social media below;

Instagram (@waxmeltbakery) - https://www.instagram.com/waxmeltbakery/
Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/217879768623407/

DISCLAMER: This product was given to trail from the company, however everything I write is 100% honest from my personal thoughts and views on how the product has worked with me.

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