Flamingo Candles | August Box

Hey guys! I first off wanner say sorry for the lack of being a daily blogger my life has been super busy the past two weeks as it's been my birthday but i'l be back on track shortly! As it's the start of August my monthly subscription from Flamingo Candles arrived in the post yesterday and I was so excited to see what I got! If you didn't already know I subscribed to this last month which you can read here.

1. Strawberries & Champagne - £2 click here
I love this melt, that much I have already reviewed this over on my blog which you can here to read. All I can really say again is that the scent is beyond strong and so perfect and fresh!

2. Fresh Cotton - Melt Crowd Exclusive
At first when I saw the name of this melt It reminded me of Yankee Candles "Clean Cotton", but somehow they smell completely different but have similarities?! 

3. Ginger & Lime -
Although this does have "ginger" in the name, the Lime scent is more overpowering which I personally love and is in the top favorites of mine! The lime is more of a clear, outdoor like and not the citrus type! But a hint of ginger passes through often when trying to smell the melt.

4. CIRCUS Doughnuts - Melt Crowd Preview
This melt is beyond my new FAVORITE honestly, not just out of all of the Flamingo Candle's scents but even from Yankee Candles! This scent is so perfect, its very sugary, sweet, reminding me of candy and 100% like warm doughnuts! It just smells so yummy I am so excited for this scent words can't describe!

5. Green Apples - £2 Click here
I must be honest this is probably my least favorite out of this set (and most likely the only one). The scent isn't 100% strong, it doesn't particularly remind me of apples it just reminds me of outdoors and fresh clear scents if that makes any sense! 

6. Kir Royal - £2 Click here
This melt reminds me somewhat of cocktails, and outdoor drinks you would have at parties or BBQ's. The scent holds a light smell of fresh, outdoor "leaf like" scent which is very relaxing and perfect for the hot restless nights! 

7. Pomegrante Cider - £2 Click here
This melt is very fresh, it reminds me a lot like oranges and a hint of fruity raspberry, I would say the scent is averagely strong but not too over powering. Its really fresh and just smells so tasty! 

8. Dahila - Melt Crowd Exclusive 
This scent reminds me of roses, strawberries and fresh fruity outdoors. The scent is very light and not too overpowering, just perfect! 

Overall, I have to say this August box is by far more of a favorite than the July box, I love ALL the scents and only the Green Apples is one which I would say I wasn't a huge fan of, but out of 8 I think its pretty good! I would have to rate CIRCUS Doughnuts by far, I still can't get over the scent and how it has ranked highest out of all my favorite candles from ALL brands I've used! All these scents are different from each other but all work perfectly! If you're wondering more about The Melt Crowd then click here to view further details on Flamingo Candle's website.

Don't forget to comment below your thoughts & be sure to follow my blog over on the home page! X

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