Soft Blanket | Yankee Candle

So I recently did another "Swap" over on my Depop account for some items in return I got this Yankee Candle along with a few other stuff. Now if I am honest I was unsure if I would like the scent of this but my mum insisted I would love it... When it arrived (Small Jar) I couldn't help but fall in love with how small and cute the jar was, it was soooo adorable looking and fell into place on my dressing table. 

The scent is very clean and fresh almost reminding me of new bedding sheets you get from a store! I have honestly fallen in love with this scent purely because its so fresh it will fit perfect for any weather or feeling and is just so relaxing!

Click here to buy on the Yankee Candle store(£8.99).

(Please excuse the quality of some of the pictures I was testing out a new feature and didn't realized how bad it was, sorry!) Don't forget to follow my blog over on the home page X

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