iPhone Case | Iconemesis

Hi guys! So I recently got asked by Iconemesis if I would like to have a phone case to feature on my blog! Of course I said yes, simply because all there products are quirky and unique but super stylish and very very popular in the blogging industry! I received this beautiful purple floral phone case in the post yesterday and just couldn't wait!

This case is the - " Johanna Basford Floral " for iPhone 5 / 5s (because I have an iPhone 5), although this is available in different colours + iPhone sizes (I will leave links at end of post!). To begin with, this phone case very stylish I just love the colours, but what more is how smooth the back is! The most important thing I personally think for phone cases is to have one which you can handle easily and not be uncomfortable with! This is easy to hold, the smoothness doesn't affect the grip and just looks perfect! After placing my iPhone in (which went into place easy enough with no problems), it was firm and would not fall out (which is what you need for a phone case!) 

Overall, I think this phone case + the company are beautiful and just perfect the only thing I would wish for in the future is too see more cases available for various phone types other than iPhone's :-) Be sure to comment below your thoughts, have you ever owned a Iconemesis case? Which is your favorite? What phone do you have? :-) + Don't forget to follow my blog on the home page! X

Johanna Basford Floral iPhone 5 / 5s - Click here
Johanna Basford Floral iPhone 5c - Click here
Johanna Basford Floral iPhone 6 - Click here
Johanna Basford Floral iPhone 6 Plus - Click here
Iconemesis website - Click here
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Iconemesis Pinterest -  Click here

DISCLAIMER: This is an Ad post, the company sent me this phone case for an honest review + feature post, all thoughts and pictures are my own and have had no influence.



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