Bobbi Brown ColorOptions eyes & cheeks dust - " Ice Pink 2 "

This product was purchased from Bobbi Brown (I think 2 years ago), the product is a beautiful pink glitter colour. It's very powder like, when you remove the lid by unscrewing it the powder has small dots where you can tip / sprinkle the product out. However, I stupidly didn't add any tape to cover them up when finished and well... After the product moving around in my draw it has overflowed out, so TIP; If you have anything which sprinkles out and doesn't come with a shut/open method use some tape to cover it up!

You can apply this product to your eyes or your cheeks, which gives a perfect summer look. If you apply this to your eyes it gives a light shimmer of pink and then if you dab a small amount over your apples of your cheeks and then blend into your bronze contouring (if you have included that) it gives of a light blush which I personally love as it is a light shimmer colour.

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