The Body Shop " Frosted Cranberry " fragrance oil

The Body Shop fragrance oil & bunten burner - " Frosted cranberry "

This product was bought off the body shop last week when they had there amazing sale on, I finally got round to buying a bunten burner for 0.99p from B&M Bargains. 

Application: So I begin by lighting a tea light and placing in the center of the bunsen burner (in the hole) and then I filled the top with tap water and then added 3 drops of The Body Shop oil into it and magic happened! This product began smelling beautiful straight away, the smell is so strong I can smell it from down our hall way! 

Just remember to keep checking the amount of water in the top and once its evaporated to either top it up straight away or blow out the tea light candle otherwise it will burn the top of your bunsen!

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