Ravi Famous "Jollie Stripy Shirt" | Ad

This top was ordered online from Ravi Famous in the color "blue", I originally wanted grey but they sold out in my size for that color. However, the blue looks perfect! This top I ordered for formal occasions such as meetings, interviews etc! It buttons up the front with material that can be tied to the back.

Don't forget, I am a brand ambassador for this company & got you guys a free voucher! Get 10% OFF any order, and use as many times as you wish by entering AMY10 on your checkout! Xo

Plus, if you order anything using my voucher code - let me know via any comments in my blog, twitter or instagram & I will create a feature post of your pictures of the item on all three social media sites as a thank you! Xo

Shirt was £15 NOW £8 - https://www.ravifamous.com/product/ravi-famous/jollie-stripy-shirt/176/

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