Bare minerals Original foundation - "Fairly light 02"

This foundation was bought in part of a Bare minerals QVC set, at first I was unsure of the thought of using a powder foundation. Simply because I was unsure of the amount of coverage, the chance of over-using and running out of the product faster, it drying my skin up, how long it would last and simply it it "worked as a foundation". HOWEVER! I apply this product after my primer, BB cream etc and I find this does work really well! It looks extremely natural, the colour is perfect for my porcelain skin - I find it gives me a little colour but looks natural. I haven't found it dries my skin up (lots), although I notice on certain areas such as my nose and under my eyes my skin has become somewhat dry so I generally apply a little more moisture in those areas before my routine begins!

APPLICATION: So I tip a small amount of this product into the lid, and use my foundation brush (which came with the set off Bare minerals) and swirl it around inside the lid until the product is applied to the brush, I then use a brushing/swirling motion on my face, I find if I blend it for longer I get more colour/coverage. The product doesn't give a "huge" amount of coverage and I find I generally apply BB cream first making the powder glide on easily and helps with colour & use concealer for under my eyes, nose and acne/spot areas which need extra coverage. I prefer to use this foundation for warm days especially for summer it will be perfect as it is light weight, although I must admit this foundation does generally need a quick top up throughout the day if you like to keep your makeup in line and perfect for the whole day! 

1 comment:

  1. Definitely will check out this product been looking for a more lightweight foundation for summer! Thanks for the recommendation :)
