Affordable Sunglasses | CheapassSunglasses

Hey guys! So I recently got asked by a company Cheapass Sunglasses if I would like to try a pair of there glasses and give an honest review? Of course since it's summer! I decided to choose the pair The New Black Clubmaster because I loved the style, modern yet stylish. Now before I carry on I wanner say how affordable these sunglasses are, yes! They are £7.95 each for Women's, Kids or Men's, plus if you decided to buy two pairs it is £15 and for any extra it is £5 each!!! PLUS FREE POSTAGE!!!! (To the UK). 

The glasses arrived super fast, in a safe packaging with bubble wrap and there own plastic bag + I got a free candy sweet!(Hehehe thank you it was Yummy!!!) When I saw them I instantly fell in love, words couldn't describe honestly I was shocked by how good quality and stylish these glasses where for only £7.95??!?! They have a silver trim around the top and sit very comfortable on my nose, I had no problem with them irritating behind the ear either and I wore them for a good 3-4 hours straight! They worked perfect in sunlight and when I went into the shaded areas they fitted great on top of my head!!! I just love these and honestly would rate this company to anyone who is looking to buy a pair, they offer so many different styles suited for everyone.

Click here to view Cheapass Sunglasses website, click here to view there Facebook and click here to view there Twitter.


DISCLAIMER: This is an Ad post, the company sent me this phone case for an honest review + feature post, all thoughts and pictures are my own and have had no influence.


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