Methods to FREEBIES? | Samples

Hey guys! So I thought I would write a post about best ways to get freebies, a lot of people are worried they feel too "Cheeky" right? Well don't there is various methods you can try to get you hands on freebies and samples of products.

1. Visiting counters - Cosmetics
Going to stores like Boots or Debnhams which have various cosmetic brand counters can be an easy way to grab yourself some freebies! Although you have to be cheeky for this, and can be intimidated to buy something but if your confident this shouldn't be a problem for you! Just ask details about a certain product, or even tempt into buying one and ask them to trail it out (E.g right foundation for you?) then once they are done you can walk away and usually they give you various Samples & Freebies. (This is only sometimes depending if the worker is genrous!)

2. Magazines
Usually in magazines you always have a page which offers a free sample pack of a perfume, or BB cream right? Well majority of fashion magazines offer these including Glamour Magazine, VOGUE etc.. Some even come with free gifts so be sure to check them out on the shelves!

3. Social Media
Various Social Media sites the most common being Twitter offer lots of giveaways also known as "Freebie Friday" so be sure to search hashtags like #FreebieFriday #Win #Giveaway where majority require you to "Retweet" and "Follow", some giveaways can be pretty awesome! I never thought I could ever win from things like this but over the past year I've won a mobile phone, lip gloss, fake tan, paintings and much more! Plus be sure to checkout the Student Money Saver website here which shows various deals and freebies you can sign up for!

Be sure to comment below any methods you guys have got! Or let me know if you've ever won anything? + Don't forget to follow my blog over on the home page X

1 comment:

  1. Those are some amazing wins! I admit I've had no succes with the RT to win contests. Maybe I don't enter enough, most of them are UK based. So the easiest way for me to win is through blog giveaways.

    Also it seems like you get a lot off good freebies in magazines there, in the US there are some not so great perfume samples but no free gifts.
