Treasure Cove Cases | 3D HTC

Hey guys! So I recently started talking with Treasure Cove Cases who creates 3D mobile phone cases to how you would like such as Disney. I was really excited to get a case to write about and share my thoughts with you guys, I didn't know 100% what "theme" to pick so asked for a "Girly" "Pink" inspired case.

It was only a day or two after the case was received to fit my phone (HTC Desire) when my case was done and ready! Its really beautiful words can't describe how in love I am, the case has a pink "rubber" style with super cute gems, bows, flowers and all things GIRLY! Treasure Cove Cases have already done a few other various styles which I found really inspirational, all cases vary in prices but usually around £15 (For specific details I would suggest contacting the Facebook page to ask questions!). With the prices having a donation to Flintshire Wildlife & Pet Rescue, something I personally feel close to being an animal lover makes the need to purse these cases more! 

I personally think these cases would be a great gift to a child, lover or friend as they can be designed to any user type / age / gender! 

Be sure to check out Treasure Cover Cases Facebook here & comment below what design you would request? Have you ordered one yet? All I can say is I am truly in love and the money is being used to help so be sure to like the Facebook page and keep up to date with designs! X


DISCLAIMER: This is an Ad post, the company sent me this phone case for an honest review + feature post, all thoughts and pictures are my own and have had no influence.


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