L.A PRO Concealer | Beautiful Bronze

Hey guys! So as I've been reading a lot of blogs and watching Youtube videos I couldn't help but notice this concealer has been highly rated as one of the best & easiest to use when contouring. This shade was mention several times and stood out to me, I decided to do some research and found a site which sells them! When it arrived it was completely wrapped up and sealed shut, when I took the lid off the product was like fiber brushes and was super soft!

After squeezing the tube a few times the product began to appear out of the fibers and it was so easy to draw onto my face (to begin contouring). At first I just tried this on my cheeks to create cheek bones and more dimension to my face. I drew a very thin line and used an angled brush to blend, the first attempt I tried of this it blended awful the line become very thick and the colour was standing out awful! I retried it a few times and found you need to draw a very little thin line, and blend for a good amount of time (About 3 minutes) without stopping until it has completely blended and I found I have to apply a little powder to further the dimension and the help blend the colour. 

If I am completely honest I am not 100% sure if I love this product, it seems like a lot of effort and isn't a fast solution although once done it does look very good I feel like it does enhance my cheek bones. I think it might just be the colour of the product, I am just not sure!

Let me know in the comments below your thoughts of this product? Have you tried it before? Do you struggle? + Don't forget to follow my blog over on the home page!X

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