Current Skincare Routine | Sensitive / Oily

Hey guys! So today I thought I would write about my current skincare routine which has recently changed. However I have been using this routine for over a month now and I have not had any major problems, before I start I want to point out my skin is very oily / sensitive. 

I begin by removing any makeup I am wearing with a cleansing wipe (Any usually work as long as they are for sensitive skin). Then I dampen my face and neck with warm water, then applying around one - two pumps of the Simple kind to skin Cleanser which comes out like a foam substance. I use my fingers to apply all over my face and neck, then using my palms in a circular motion to rub all over and into my skin. I then rinse it all off by splashing my face again with warm water and patting the skin dry with a clean towel. 

Then, instantly the next step I take it to brush my hair and use a clip to tie it back. Then using two bobbi pins I slide each side of my fringe back so I have no hair on my face. If my skin is still feeling dirty or oily (Which is usually around 2 times a week at the moment), I apply a small amount of my Body Shop Tea Tree Toner onto a piece of cotton wool. Ensuring I have thoroughly shaken the bottle first! And dabbing across my face, I usually apply this on my T-Zone or any areas which feel oily. If my skin feels fine then I simply jump ahead to this next step which is to moisturize! I never ever use to moisturize until I started using The Body Shop tea tree range where I noticed it helped clear up my redness, and majority of my spots but it would leave all around my nose & forehead dry and flakey which looked awful when I was applying makeup! So I did some research and discovered the Clinique Moisturizing Gel (Gel for oily skin & Lotion+ for dry/normal). At first I was unsure and bought a small 15ml size tube (Which lasted me two months) but it worked perfect, I never broke out and never had any issues! I apply this all over my face and down my neck after cleansing. 

Then that is pretty much my routine done, until bedtime of course! For bed I pin my fringe back either side again, and usually tie my hair up in a loose bun or put it into a plait to keep it off my face during the night. I don't usually put anything on my skin for bed, unless I am having a major breakout then I use The Body Shop Tea Tree night lotion.

Thank you for reading guys! Don't forget to comment and questions or feedback below + follow my blog over on the home page X

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