Baking Cheesecake

Hey guys, so today I thought I would include something a little different on my blog! And include a post about baking in the kitchen, now I must admit I am not the best cook and usually rely on others to help and support me. One of my favorite deserts is Cheesecake and I saw this bake your own pre-made in a local store!

It came with two packets, the first being biscuit crumbles and the other being a powder cheesecake filling. I began by placing tin foil into a tin covering the edges which will help to pull the cheesecake out of the tin once finished. Then applying 75g of butter into a pan I heated it up until it had all completely melted and then applied the biscuit crumbles into the pan (ensuring it was no longer on the stove) and mixed it together fast using a large table spoon. (Fast so that the melted butter didn't dry up too fast), once the crumbles was stuck together I placed into the pan with tin foil and spread it out evenly using the back of the table spoon and then place in the fridge for 15 minutes. 

I then measured out 235ml of normal milk into a jug, before then placing it into a mixing bowl and applying the cheesecake topping. Using an electric mixer I mixed together for 3 minutes (Holding the bowl on it's side so the milk didn't spill out with the power of the mixer). After 3 minutes the mixture become very thick and almost like a foamy cream substance I applied it into the mixing tray which had the biscuit base from the fridge (ensuring it was completely cool) and using the back of a large table spoon to even it out. Then for decoration I applied some Galaxy Chocolate crumbled over the top before placing in the fridge, which I then left for around 2-3 hours before eating although the box states you could place in the fridge for 45 minutes and it should be fine.

Be sure to let me know in the comments your thoughts on this post, would you guys like to see more "baking" posts? Plus don't forget to follow my blog over on the home page! X

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